The Muslim Sunrise Cetakan 1946 - 1959

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Judul : The Muslim Sunrise 
Penerbit : The Muslim Sunrise Press - Chicago Ill.,USA
Cetakan : Tahun 1946, 1948, 1955, 1958
Jumlah : 4 Jilid 
Tebal : Masing-masing 32 halaman 
Bahasa : Inggris 
Sampul : Paper back 
Dimensi : 22.5 X 15 cm
Kondisi : Cukup baik
Harga : Rp. 120.000 untuk 4 jilid (belum termasuk ongkir)
Call / SMS : 0821 - 3029 - 2636

Contens :
- A Passge From The Holy Qur'an
- The Sayings of the master Prophet Muhammad
- Excerpts From the Writing of Hazrat Ghulam Ahmad The Promised Messiah and Mahdi 1835-1908 My Teaching
- Islam Gives aA new World Order by Hazrat Khalifatul Masih II Head of the Ahmadiyya -Movement in Islam
- Contradiction in the New Testament
- An American Journalist Looks at Pakistan
- U.S. Goverment Role in the Creation of Zionist State 
- Churhwillful Violator of Minority Rights
- Social and Economic Systems of Non-Islamic Religions
- Judism's Treatment to Other Nations
- Christianity Law is a Curse
- Hinduism Doctrine of Karma
- The Cast System
- The Effects of Caste System
- Prayers of Eleven Faiths
- Moslem
- Buddhist
- Christian
- Confucian
- Hindu
- jain
- Jewish
- Shinto
- Sikh
- Tao
- Zoroastrian 
- God is Love by Hazrat khalifatul Masih II Head the Ahmadiyya' Movement in Islam


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